Susie Becher, council member at "All Its Citizens", writes in "The Times Of Israel" on 8/15/.2024 in response to an article in "Haaretz" titled "Israel’s Hostages Must Return. The War in Gaza Has To End.".
On August 11, Haaretz published an editorial titled “Israel’s Hostages Must Return. The War in Gaza Has To End.” Public sentiment is largely behind the position expressed in the first part of the headline. Most Israelis want the hostages home now, whatever the terms of the deal currently on the table. The problem with the Haaretz headline is the juxtaposition of an agreement on the hostages’ release and the end of the war. If an agreement is reached in the coming days, and at this point it’s anybody’s guess, it will at best involve a ceasefire that is bound to be short-lived.
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